Privacy Policy


In this document, “EIT”, “we” or “us” means Extensive IT Solutions Pty Ltd (ACN 150 079 262), EIT Finance Pty Ltd (ACN 161 707 651) and their related entities. 

EIT complies with the Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”) as contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”) and the credit reporting regime as contained in the Privacy Act (the “Credit Reporting Regime”) and the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code registered under the Privacy Act (“CR Code”).  

The APPs detail how personal information may be collected, held, used, disclosed, stored and destroyed, and how an individual may gain access or make corrections to, or make complaints about the personal information held about them.  

The Credit Reporting Regime and the CR Code detail how credit information and credit eligibility information may be collected, held, used, disclosed, stored and destroyed, how victims of fraud are protected, and how an individual may gain access or make corrections to, or make complaints about the credit information and credit eligibility information held about them. 

Personal information” is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or about an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information or opinion is true or not, and whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not. 

Credit information” is personal information that relates primarily to your consumer credit-related dealings including consumer credit liability information, repayment history information, default information, payment information, court proceedings information and personal insolvency information. 

Credit eligibility information” includes personal information about you provided to us by credit reporting bodies, so it may also include information about your credit-related dealings with other credit providers. Credit eligibility information also includes any credit worthiness information that we derive from the data from credit reporting bodies, for example credit ratings, scores and evaluations about you and your credit worthiness. 

This policy details how EIT manages personal information (including credit information and credit eligibility information) about you. We may update this policy from time to time. For an up-to-date version of the policy, please visit our website

Kinds of personal information EIT collects and holds 

The kinds of personal information EIT collects about you depends on the transaction you will enter into or have entered into with us. 

General personal information 

The kinds of personal information that we commonly collect and hold include: your name, address, phone number and email address. When you contact us via a request through our website, we record your name and the contact details you have given to us in that request. 

Credit information and credit eligibility information 

We may collect credit information about you, if: 

  • you are a sole trader, an individual who is member of a partnership or an individual trustee, and you apply for a commercial credit account with us; or 
  • you are or propose to become a guarantor for the obligations of another person or entity that are owed to us under a commercial credit account. That person or entity may be the operator of a business associated that you are with or in respect of which you have a direct or indirect interest. 

In this case, the kinds of personal and credit information that we commonly collect and hold includes: your name, address, phone number, email address, date of birth, drivers licence or other identification document details, and employer and referee details. We may also collect and hold information relating to your personal current credit liabilities, repayment history, previous credit payments and defaults, current and previous Court proceedings and insolvency actions against you and information about your credit worthiness. This credit information may relate to both consumer and/or commercial credit.  

We may also hold reports and information disclosed to us by credit reporting bodies (such as Equifax) and verification of identity through searches of public registries. We may also obtain trade references from a bank. We may also compile our own internal credit file about you on the basis of such information. This information relates to an assessment of your personal credit worthiness. 

How EIT collects and holds personal information 

We aim to collect personal information about you directly from you, unless it is unreasonable or impracticable for us to do so. For example, we may collect personal information from correspondence, application forms and contracts that you submit to us, telephone calls and meetings with us, questionnaires and feedback surveys, and from your activity on our website and other social media platforms. 

However, in some instances we may receive personal information about you from third parties, such as your accountant, lawyer or financial adviser, our associated businesses, credit providers, principals, suppliers, vendors, dealers, introducers and referrers, and credit reporting bodies. Credit reporting bodies may also disclose credit eligibility information about you to us in response to our request to them. 

You can be anonymous or use a pseudonym when dealing with us, unless: 

  • the use of your true identity is a legal requirement; or  

  • it is impracticable for us to deal with you on such basis. 

If you wish to apply for credit through us, you may need to be identified and cannot be anonymous or use a pseudonym. 

We may also collect certain information where you visit or browse our website including through the use of cookies. You may disable cookies by configuring the settings on your browser but this may affect website functionality. Such information usually does not identify you as an individual, but may log the IP address of your computer. 

If we receive unsolicited personal information about you: 

  • we will assess whether we could have collected the information directly from you; and 

  • if not, then we will destroy or remove identifying components in the information as soon as practicable, but only if lawful and reasonable to do so. 

Purposes for which EIT collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information  

We collect, hold, use and disclose personal information about you where it is reasonably necessary for one or more of our business functions or activities. For example, we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal or credit information as may be necessary to:  

  • identify you (including for the purposes of complying with any applicable laws including anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws); 

  • provide our products and services to you; 

  • set up and manage your account; 

  • assess and process your application to us; 

  • process your contract, payments and other transactions, including administering insurance claims; 

  • collect payments including sending you payment reminders; 

  • perform other administrative and accounting functions; 

  • notify credit reporting bodies and credit providers of your payment history or any default by you; 

  • send you marketing and promotional communications including information about our other products and services that may benefit you or be of interest to you; and 

  • contribute to market research, statistical collation and website traffic analysis. 

Some of the personal information we collect is essential for us to be able to accurately identify who we are dealing with. Other types of personal information we collect help us to profile who our client is and what their interests are. 

We are authorised or required by various laws to collect certain personal information in the course of our business. For example, for some aspects of our business, we may be bound to comply with the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws and/or consumer credit laws. 

We may disclose credit information about you to credit reporting bodies for purposes related to assessing your credit worthiness, and reporting on payment defaults.  

We may disclose credit eligibility information to credit providers and to guarantors, where we have obtained your consent. We may also disclose credit eligibility information to third parties where required or permitted by law, including other credit providers with whom you deal or have dealt with, persons acting on your behalf, our associated businesses, suppliers, dealers, introducers, referrers, referees, employers, landlords, next of kin, rating agencies, insurers, valuers and debt collection agencies. 

We may also collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in circumstances that are required or permitted by law, where that is necessary for us to comply with our legal obligations. For example, we may share your personal information with government departments and enforcement bodies where required or permitted by law or legal process (for example, when necessary to prevent physical harm or financial loss, or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual fraud or illegal activity).  

We may collect sensitive information from you or about you where there is a legal requirement to do so, or where we are otherwise permitted by law. In all other situations, we will specifically seek your consent.   

If our business is acquired or merged with another company, your personal information may be transferred to the new owners so that products and services can continue to be provided. Where we wish to use or disclose your personal information for other purposes, we will obtain your consent. 

If we do not collect, hold, use or disclose your personal information, or if you do not consent, then we may not be able to answer your enquiry, complete the transaction you have entered into, or provide the products and/or services that you or your organisation have contracted us to provide. 

Opting out 

Where we use your personal information for marketing and promotional communications, you can opt out at any time by notifying us. Opt out procedures are also included in our marketing communications.  

You are also entitled to: 

  • opt out of direct marketing pre-screenings: credit reporting bodies often use credit information to assist credit providers to market their products and services. If you do not want a credit reporting body to use your credit information in this manner, you have a right to contact the credit reporting body not to use your credit information in this manner; and 

  • request non-disclosure where you believe you have been, or are likely, a victim of fraud: if you believe on reasonable grounds that you have been, or are likely to be, a victim of fraud, then you are entitled, under the Privacy Act, to request that a credit reporting body not use or disclose credit information about you. Under consumer credit laws, you also have a right to request that the credit reporting body puts in place a ban (or freeze) period on your consumer credit report. The ban period can last for 21 days after you make this request. You can contact the credit reporting bodies for further information, and to action this request. 

How EIT holds and store personal information 

Your personal information (including credit information and credit eligibility information) is held and stored on paper (in secured premises), by electronic means or both. We have physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in place and take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is protected from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. 

  • Information held and stored on paper is stored in locked filing cabinets, locked offices, key-card premises, secure premises, secured entry, monitored alarms, back-to-base alarms. 

  • Information held and stored electronically is protected by internal and external firewalls, limited access via file passwords, files designated read-only or no access.  

  • Information held and stored “in the cloud” is protected by industry standard security measures applied by our cloud service provider. 

  • Information stored or archived off-site is contained within secure facilities. We also require our storage contractors to implement privacy safeguards. 

  • Where we disclose information to third parties (including funders and affiliated businesses), as far as we are aware, those third parties have in place privacy protection measures. 

  • Service providers may hold information for us. Where a service provider holds information, we usually require those service providers to adhere to our approved standards of security and confidentiality to ensure the continuing protection of your personal information. 

  • Our staff receive training on privacy procedures. 

Destruction and de-identification 

We will retain your personal information while ever it is required for any of our business functions or activities, or for any other lawful purpose.  

We use secure methods to destroy or to permanently de-identify your personal information when it is no longer needed or if we determine that the personal information received is required to be destroyed or permanently de-identified: 

  • Paper records are sent for secure destruction, requested to be returned by third parties.  

  • Electronic records are deleted from all locations, to the best of our ability, or encrypted and/or placed beyond use. 

Overseas disclosure 

Currently we do not disclose personal information to overseas recipients. However, Australian entities to whom we may disclose personal information as reasonably necessary to perform the tasks you have requested of us: 

  • might report to related entities located overseas or to obtain services from them in connection with the processing, management or securitisation of consumer or commercial credit facilities; and 

  • will be subject to the Privacy Act and the APPs and have their own privacy protection measures in place.  

Access and correction 

You have the right of access to personal information we hold about you. We have procedures in place for dealing with and responding to requests for access to, and correction of, such information. 

If you believe that we hold personal information about you and you wish to obtain access to this information (including to seek the correction of such information), please contact us at the details referred to below. 

If you make a request to us to access or correct personal information about you that is held by us, we will respond to your request within a reasonable period after the request is made. We are not required to give you access to the information in certain circumstances. 

If we hold personal information about you and we are satisfied that the information is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, or you request us to correct the information, then we will take such reasonable steps (if any) to correct that information to ensure that it is accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading. To assist us to keep our records up-to-date, please notify us of any changes to your personal details. 

If we refuse to give you access to or to correct personal information as requested by you, or to give access in the manner requested by you, we will give you a written notice that sets out the reasons for the refusal (except to the extent that it would be unreasonable to do so) and (if required) the mechanisms available to complain about the refusal. 

Data breaches 

If we suspect that a data breach has occurred, we will undertake an assessment into the circumstances of the suspected breach within 30 days after the suspected breach has occurred. Where it is ascertained that a breach has occurred and where required under the Privacy Act, we will notify the Australian Information Commissioner and affected individuals as soon as practicable after becoming aware that a data breach has occurred.  


If you wish to complain about a breach of the APPs, or the CR Code, please contact us at the details referred to below. We will respond to your complaint in accordance with the Privacy Act, the APPs or the CR Code (as applicable). 

Our contact details 

The Privacy Officer 

Extensive IT Solutions Pty Ltd and EIT Finance Pty Ltd 

Tower 1, Triniti Business Park 

Level 4, 39 Delhi Road,  

North Ryde NSW 2113 

Phone: 133 348 

Email: and 
