Sharp EIT Solutions and North Melbourne Kangaroos join forces

Backed by 20 years’ experience manned by a team of highly skilled trade specialists, Sharp EIT Solutions is one of Australia’s leading companies specialising in IT services and office technology solutions, able to meet any organisational need by providing access to the latest office equipment, expert advice and guidance, and technology solutions including office printers, laptops, managed IT services, as well as digital and interactive display solutions.
The club’s newest partnership also incorporates the supply of Sharp EIT Solutions displays, printers and LEDs at the club’s Arden Street headquarters.
The partnership with the club will see Sharp Extensive IT supply infrastructure to The Huddle’s refurbished facility at Arden Street, including the new Game Day program.
“The Huddle aims to strengthen education and employment pathways for young people through the power of sport,” The Huddle CEO Cam McLeod said.
“Game Day is an Australian first, an immersive AFL themed educational journey designed to engage and empower thousands of students from diverse backgrounds each year to build upon their strengths and plan for their future,” McLeod said.
“As part of Game Day, Sharp’s EIT’s cutting-edge technology will be used to create an atmosphere where students feel like they are part of a game.
“Sharp EIT Solutions will help us to reimagine how young people are educated to solve problems, demonstrate resilience and learn how to win.”
Schools can access The Huddle’s Game Day experience from early 2023.
Managing Director, Mario Bernatovic said:
“Sharp EIT Solutions has a long history of supporting local businesses and communities, and we’re always looking for ways to support the football community so a partnership with the Kangaroos, is a significant moment for us.
We are excited that our technology will not only benefit the club but it will also benefit the local community and students who will use the technology to educate, inspire and engage through the Game Day Program in The Huddle.
Sharp EIT Solutions’s Commercial Lead Sports & Technology Aaditya Mehta looks forward to connecting with local businesses through the North Network Program as a Platinum Partner and local clubs who share a passion for the Sport."